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Quantic MBA Student Spotlight: Adrian De Smul

In the last few weeks before Smartly graduates its pioneer MBA class, we wanted to feature some of our outstanding students. Current Smartly student Adrian De Smul, who works at McKinsey and graduated from Princeton, tells us about his decision to join Smartly and plans for the future in the interview below. Browse, connect, and …

Satellite mission in space from the top looking down to earth
EDUCATIONAugust 17, 2016
The Quantic Master Plan: Elite to Open, and Everything in Between

We want to prove to the world that education can be effective and successful when free and online.

Apple computer with rainbow colors with a dark background
EDUCATIONAugust 3, 2016
The Poetry of Mindstorms

Seymour Papert passed away this weekend. His ideas have helped us form the pedagogical approach behind Pedago and our first product, Smartly.

Business man holding a puppy
Why I Turned Down a Top Business School

For years, Chris was convinced that gaining an MBA from a top business school would lead to guaranteed success and happiness. In the end, he turned his acceptance down.

EDUCATIONMay 4, 2016
Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business adopts Quantic

Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business adopts Smartly to teach all incoming MBA students business fundamentals.

fireworks over city
EDUCATIONMarch 10, 2016
Making Quantic Available for Everyone

First and foremost, we want to uphold our mission to expand access to low-cost education. Not just “education” but superior education.

stars in night sky
EDUCATIONJanuary 20, 2016
An Interview with Michael Horn on the future of EdTech

Michael Horn, author of Blended: Using Disruptive Innovation to Improve Schools talks about disruption in the EdTech space.

EDUCATIONDecember 8, 2015
The Whole Foods Secret: A Longer Line with Shorter Wait Times

You’re waiting in the check-out line. It’s long. You question: Isn’t a multiple-line system more efficient?

EDUCATIONNovember 18, 2015
How Your Team Can Make Better Decisions By Conquering the Asch Effect

Sometimes a meeting that ends in consensus isn’t a good thing! Here are tips to avoid bad decisions resulting from group pressure to conform.

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