Making Quantic Available for Everyone

Since Smartly’s launch in the summer of 2015, we’ve helped thousands of people around the world bolster their business knowhow, quickly and easily.  In total, our learners have solved 960,000 lesson challenges, taken 62,000 lessons, and given Smartly lessons an overall 96% approval rating! Across the board—from the incoming MBA student in Fontainebleau to the junior analyst in San Francisco to the stay-at-home parent in Bangalore—our students have let us know that they love Smartly’s fast technology; fun, quality courses; and quirky tone to help them get closer to their goals.

That’s why we’re happy to announce that over the past few weeks Smartly has phased out our subscription services—we’re now completely free. We’ve come to the conclusion that first and foremost, we want to uphold our mission to expand access to low-cost education. Not just “education” but superior education. We’ve broken the mold in edtech by creating bite-sized, interactive courses and will continue to revolutionize by making quality education available for free. We want to be completely different in a good way (you could say we’re pretty hipster). In addition, many of our users around the world don’t have debit or credit card numbers, and we want as many people as possible to have the chance to learn effectively.

Naturally, people might wonder how we plan to keep Smartly running without subscription fees. We have an exciting solution in store that will help you reach your career goals even faster than through coursework alone—we’re currently exploring ways that companies that you dream of working with can connect with you.

If you’ve enjoyed using Smartly thus far, please recommend the new Smartly to someone who you think would find it useful. If you haven’t tried Smartly yet… try it! Start learning how to be a better manager, how to run A/B tests, how your company’s accounting works, and more in the next 60 seconds. We hope you enjoy the changes to Smartly, and we look forward to your feedback. Come and join the education revolution!

— Tom, Alexie, Ori & the rest of the Smartly team


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