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Students and Alumni

Students and Alumni

An up-view of city skyscrapers with a block of text about Quantic reviews of the online MBA program and student experiences
EDUCATIONJune 12, 2024
The Modern MBA: Student Experiences

With Alexandria Dixon, Program Manager at SAP; Torrey Payne, Engineering Manager at Thirty Madison; and Katie Tomola, Senior Learning & Development Operations Specialist at Wells Fargo. With the rate of change being seen across all industries, today’s business leaders require an education partner that will equip them for the future of work. Through an innovative …

MBA global leadership conference in Dubai
LEADERSHIPDecember 8, 2023
Exploring Leadership in the Heart of Dubai

Dubai, a city synonymous with innovation, business prowess, and a rich cultural tapestry, recently played host to a Quantic leadership conference that left attendees inspired. With a keynote session on how to train your brain for success, case study discussions, cultural excursions, and more, students and alumni left equipped with new skills and strategies to …

STUDENTS AND ALUMNINovember 10, 2023
Women Who Lead: An Interview with Lily Satterthwaite, Co-founder of Quantic’s Women Club

The role of women in leadership is more crucial than ever. Women leaders inspire change, break down barriers, and drive diversity and inclusion in every facet of society. We were thrilled to celebrate our Women Who Lead Week, honoring the incredible achievements and inspiring journeys of women leaders, in our Quantic community and beyond, who …

Quantic Moonshot: Multiplicity Grand-Prize

Our first annual Quantic Moonshot competition aims to inspire and support our student’s visionary journeys to create groundbreaking businesses. We wanted to make the grand-prize even more special and representative of the innovative nature of entrepreneurship. That’s why we decided to award the winning team an NFT, or non-fungible token. NFTs are digital assets that …

Introducing our Moonshot Master of Ceremonies: Best-selling Author, Kenneth Anand

We are thrilled to announce that Kenneth Anand will be the Master of Ceremonies for our first annual Quantic Moonshot Finals on May 6 in New York City! Kenneth’s entrepreneurial and creative spirit, combined with his successful and innovative career path, make him the perfect fit for this role. As the CCO of CANVVS, an …

Quantic Moonshot Finalist: toTable

We are thrilled to launch our first annual pitch competition, Quantic Moonshot, where our Executive MBA students get to showcase their game-changing ideas and business innovations. Our judges have narrowed down the teams to five finalists, who will all be competing to win the grand-prize.   One of the five finalist teams, toTable, creates a sustainable …

Quantic Moonshot Finalist: The Last Taboo

We are thrilled to launch our first annual pitch competition, Quantic Moonshot, where our Executive MBA students get to showcase their game-changing ideas and business innovations. Our judges have narrowed down the teams to five finalists, who will all be competing to win the grand-prize.   One of the five finalist teams, The Last Taboo, has …

Meet Quantic Moonshot Finalist: Replica Biomaterials

We are thrilled to launch our first annual pitch competition, Quantic Moonshot, where our Executive MBA students get to showcase their game-changing ideas and business innovations. Our judges have narrowed down the teams to five finalists, who will all be competing to win the grand-prize.   One of the five finalist teams, Replica Biomaterials Ltd, is …

Meet Quantic Moonshot Finalist: Outgrowers

We are thrilled to launch our first annual pitch competition, Quantic Moonshot, where our Executive MBA students get to showcase their game-changing ideas and business innovations. Our judges have narrowed down the teams to five finalists, who will all be competing to win the grand-prize.   One of the five finalist teams, Outgrowers, has the potential …

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