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Career Planning

Career Planning

CAREER PLANNINGFebruary 1, 2021
The Pros and Cons of Working for a Startup Company in 2024

Startup.  Does that word send shivers of fear or excitement down your spine?  Does the thought of working with a shiny and new business concept appeal or appall? As children, we were afraid of the dark, the monster under the bed, the neighbor’s big scary dog. It’s the unknowns that frighten us.  However, once we …

How to Start a Tech Company | Software Founder Tom Adams Explains

Countless aspiring tech entrepreneurs launch and fail within their first year.  They fail after overlooking one key step they need to take before spending a single dime or contacting a potential investor. Before starting a tech company, every entrepreneur needs to establish a mission that solves a business problem. Put another way, a “brilliant” technical …

Startup Valuation Calculator Templates | How to Value any Startup

Are you afraid of losing money and looking like a fool for making a bad investment? The answer is almost universally yes for every startup’s potential investors. Fear causes an investor to second guess a sound opportunity staring them right in the face. The best way to overcome investor fear is knowledge. The knowledge that …

CAREER PLANNINGNovember 23, 2020
The Winning Tech Resume

Tech jobs across the world are rapidly increasing and can be found in most industries. The rise of such jobs is due to organizations increasingly relying on computer systems and technologies.  Examples are the adoption of cloud computing and cybersecurity. As a result, employment in IT occupations is predicted to grow by 15% between 2021 …

CAREER PLANNINGNovember 16, 2020
Corporate Training & Development: Why It’s Important in 2021

No matter your industry, role, or career objectives, knowledge is power. You need it if you want to advance and maintain the same level of performance that won you that promotion.  How do you go about getting the skills and knowledge you need? That’s where corporate training and development come into play. In the 2020s, …

EDUCATIONNovember 9, 2020
10 Tips To Make the Most of Your Virtual Meetings

This year, many of us started working remotely and are spending far more time in virtual meetings, meet-ups, happy hours, webinars, and social gatherings. Since March, the Quantic Engagement Team, responsible for planning and hosting events for students and alumni, has held over 300 virtual events, averaging around 50 per month. Suffice it to say, …

EDUCATIONNovember 5, 2020
Five Questions for Free the PhD Founder, Vay Cao

Quantic Alum, Vay Cao, PhD, founded Free the PhD, a career development and advocacy platform for PhDs who want to learn more about the world outside of academia and kickstart an exciting career. You can check out their programs, talk to their advisors, and access their resources year-round.  Vay spoke with us about the initial …

CAREER PLANNINGOctober 22, 2020
Finance vs. Accounting: Key Differences to Help Choose Your Next Field With Confidence

We have addressed some of the biggest and most common concerns that many people have when trying to compare accounting and finance. From varying skill sets, different salary expectations, and more, we’ll walk you through the ins and outs of both career paths.  This is the ultimate guide to study before you make a commitment …

EDUCATIONOctober 13, 2020
What is a Chief Strategy Officer? Outlook, Education, Career Path 🚀

So, you want to become a chief strategy officer? You’ll be among an up-and-coming group of professionals representing a shift in the way corporations are thinking about business strategy. This broad, dynamic, and well-paid position will have you handling some of the highest-level tasks in the company. As the business world gets faster and more …

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