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Career Planning

Career Planning

Do You Need a Talent Management System in 2021?

In the 21st century, quality talent is in high demand and short supply.  A cross-section of top talent has formed a seller’s market out of this, offering their services to the highest payer at inflated salaries while always looking out for other opportunities. The power has moved from employer to employee. Loyalty and commitment are, …

Discover the Employer Benefits of Tuition Reimbursement

People come and go — employee turnover isn’t some newfangled concept. Even the best companies will have a reasonable amount of layoffs, terminations, and resignations.  Yet, you’ll know you have a problem when you start spotting certain patterns that reveal out-of-the-ordinary work dynamics.  If you diagnose high employee turnover, plenty is at stake. It’s a …

10 Ways to Improve Employee Relations in 2024

Poor performance, absenteeism, and even the buzzword of the moment; toxic culture—these are all problems arising from wayward employees, right?  Wrong.  You, as management, are more likely the reason for such conduct. But how did you get here—especially after you’ve tried your best to give your staff competitive pay and benefits?  The truth is, investing …

Expert Advice: Tips to Turn Your Dream into a Business

Quantic Alum, Dr. Lisa Bélanger is a keynote speaker, author and behavior change expert. She teaches professionals about healthy habits, mindfulness, productivity. Besides her accomplishments of running the Paris marathon, climbing Kilimanjaro, and being the mom of two wonderful children, she is also the founder of ConsciousWorks, an industry-leading consulting firm that integrates proactive mental …

LEADERSHIPMarch 25, 2021
How to Build an Executive Leadership Development Plan

Running a company involves far more than just availing a specific good or service to the public. Indeed, it also requires more than simply convincing customers of your suitability and branding. To make your business sustainable in a highly volatile marketplace and ensure profits and longevity, your company – like all businesses – requires strategic …

10 Employee Engagement Strategies for 2024

Seeing your engagement strategies fail and your operational systems run amok is nothing new in times of change. Significant shifts in the labor market only exacerbate issues.  The great arena where corporations and top talent have been matching strengths has kept us on the edge of our seats for decades. Lately, it seems talent has …

FINANCEFebruary 19, 2021
Series A, B, C, Seed | Startup Funding Rounds Expert Guide

It’s a well-known archetype: the business idea so brilliant, so innovative, the sort that comes but once in a lifetime. A business idea that’s so actionable, it can scrabble its way up from a fledgling startup and blossom into a sizable business.  Most aspiring entrepreneurs believe that if they can carry themselves safely through and …

EDUCATIONFebruary 10, 2021
The Benefits of an MBA for Startups and Entrepreneurs

Common folklore surrounding what it takes to start a business is awash with one familiar motif: the dropout-turned-billionaire entrepreneur.  Indeed, when enterprising individuals come of age and start contemplating business ideas, their dreams often adopt this narrative. For a long time now, a contrast has been cast between two groups of people. In one corner, …

CAREER PLANNINGFebruary 1, 2021
The Pros and Cons of Working for a Startup Company in 2024

Startup.  Does that word send shivers of fear or excitement down your spine?  Does the thought of working with a shiny and new business concept appeal or appall? As children, we were afraid of the dark, the monster under the bed, the neighbor’s big scary dog. It’s the unknowns that frighten us.  However, once we …

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