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Quantic MBA Review: What to know about the program
MBAJuly 5, 2024
Quantic MBA Review: What To Know about the Program

Quantic School of Business and Technology is a DEAC-accredited, app-based graduate school, and we provide MBA and Executive MBA programs. For our MBA degree, we offer a 15-month accelerated online program for early-career students with high potential. Here is a review of the Quantic MBA:  Our MBA Curriculum The MBA curriculum includes eight required concentrations. …

An up-view of city skyscrapers with a block of text about Quantic reviews of the online MBA program and student experiences
EDUCATIONJune 12, 2024
The Modern MBA: Student Experiences

With Alexandria Dixon, Program Manager at SAP; Torrey Payne, Engineering Manager at Thirty Madison; and Katie Tomola, Senior Learning & Development Operations Specialist at Wells Fargo. With the rate of change being seen across all industries, today’s business leaders require an education partner that will equip them for the future of work. Through an innovative …

MBAJune 9, 2024
What Is the Curriculum Structure of the Online MBA Program?

Quantic is an online academic institution offering standard MBA and Executive MBA programs for recent graduates and mid-career professionals. Our flexible curriculum can be customized to meet your interests and career goals. Here’s more information about the curriculum structure of our online MBA programs: Core Curriculum The core curriculum of our online MBA programs covers eight required …

MBAJune 8, 2024
Differences Between Online MBA Programs and Traditional MBA Programs

Online MBA programs and traditional programs have different advantages, each offering something unique for their students. Online programs are flexible but require dedication and discipline to complete successfully. Traditional MBA programs are on-campus and have face-to-face interaction between peers and professors. Quantic has the best MBA program for high-quality online learning. Learn more about the …

MBA in the Pharmaceutical Industry
MBAFebruary 7, 2023
MBA in the Pharmaceutical Industry – Do You Need One? 

It’s no secret that the pharmaceutical industry is a lucrative one. With the right skills, you can go far. However, it’s also easy to become trapped in your current position with no chance of advancement in sight. This is a struggle many young professionals face today. Thankfully, there are options. Pursuing the right MBA program …

msba vs mba
MBAFebruary 7, 2023
MSBA vs MBA – The Difference Explained. Which One is Better? 

Many young professionals find themselves at a loss for how to best advance their careers. After all, there are so many master’s programs out there that it’s easy to be trapped in analysis paralysis. This is especially true when you find yourself torn between a Master of Science in Business Analytics and a Master of …

MBAJanuary 3, 2023
Should You Get a Healthcare MBA or an MHA?

MBA or MHA, that is the question. Both healthcare MBAs and Masters in Healthcare Administration offer their students the potential to grow as leaders in the healthcare industry. For many, that makes it a difficult choice as to which to pursue.   That’s why today we’re going to discuss the differences between healthcare MBAs and MHAs. …

CAREER PLANNINGDecember 23, 2022
How to Get Your First Software Engineer Job in 7 Steps

Software engineers are the professionals who make most of the online world possible. They undertake the daunting, but rewarding, tasks of designing and building applications that we enjoy online. As such, it’s both a lucrative and attractive job.  However, breaking into this industry can be a challenge. Many organizations have high standards for their software …

ACCOUNTINGDecember 1, 2022
Masters in Accounting vs MBA: Which One is Right For You?

In the world of accounting, there’s a serious decision to make when you’re ready to further your career. That is the choice of whether to pursue an MBA with an accounting focus or a Master’s in Accounting. Both will do wonders to advance your career. However, there are nuanced differences between the two. Whereas a …

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