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AI-Focused Software Engineering: Real-World Impact | The Quantic Blog (1)
ENGINEERINGFebruary 10, 2025
AI-Focused Software Engineering: Real-World Impact

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the software engineering landscape, driving innovation and transforming industries worldwide. According to Gartner by 2028, 75% of enterprise software engineers will use AI code assistants, up from less than 10% in early 2023, yet there is an expected AI talent gap of 50%, according to new research from Reuters. This …

CAREER PLANNINGNovember 23, 2020
The Winning Tech Resume

Tech jobs across the world are rapidly increasing and can be found in most industries. The rise of such jobs is due to organizations increasingly relying on computer systems and technologies.  Examples are the adoption of cloud computing and cybersecurity. As a result, employment in IT occupations is predicted to grow by 15% between 2021 …

CAREER PLANNINGSeptember 2, 2020
MBA for Software Engineers – Do You Need One to Climb the Career Ladder?

You’ve been a software engineer for years, and you feel it’s now time to take a step forward. But you’re wondering: What comes next? Where do I go from here?  What catches your attention is that other software engineers are going for an MBA. As a result, they’re getting promotions and enjoying fatter paychecks. But …

train rails tracks
INNOVATIONJanuary 28, 2015
Fixturies: The speed of fixtures and the maintainability of factories

We had a rails app. We used factories in our tests, and it took ten minutes to run them all.  That was too slow. (spoiler alert: by the end of this blog post, they will run in one minute.) We suspected that we could speed up the test run time by using fixtures instead, but worried …

no CSS text transform
EDUCATIONDecember 9, 2014
text-transform: An Unlikely Source of Jank

Here at Quantic, we take a hard look at the performance of our applications so that our users don’t have to experience any troublesome hiccups (or “jank”) that might otherwise sour a sweet learning experience. While “performance” can cover a wide array of metrics, we tend to be extremely critical of browser overhead (script execution, …

computer on desk
EDUCATIONNovember 20, 2014
How do I read the AngularJS message: [$rootScope:infdig] 10 $digest() iterations reached. Aborting! Watchers fired in the last 5 iterations

I’ve been using Angular every day for over a year, but have always been too intimidated by this error message—and the crazy list of information that comes along with it—to really dig into it and find out how to use it to my advantage. Building a new product at Pedago, I see this error happen …

white laptop on wooden desk
EDUCATIONSeptember 8, 2014
Five key principles that make geographically split software teams work

Geographically distributed teams can work. How? In my experience, there are five key principles that make all the difference.


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